October 6th Open Work Meetup

We’re back at GovDelivery in downtown St. Paul! Come with ideas for projects, things you may have already started, or we’ll try to match you up with an already existing project or idea. We’ll have pizza and some great conversation.

Please comment below on any ideas or projects you might want to work on.

Code of Conduct

As with any event hosted by Open Twin Cities, our Code of Conduct will be in effect during this meetup. Respect each other. Don’t be a jerk.


What to learn about the other projects Open Twin Cities has going? Check out the following:


If you’re driving to the meetup, good places to find street parking (free after 6pm) are parking along St. Peters St., Market St., Wabasha St, and West 7th. Note, you can not park directly infront of the Hamm building, which is a valet zone.